10 October 2024

How effective is your incident response plan

An IT incident response plan is crucial for preparing an organisation’s ability to effectively manage potential information security incidents. These incidents can vary from data breaches and malware attacks to system outages and general endpoint security issues.

A well-structured incident response process enables organisations to react promptly and efficiently, minimising the impact of such incidents and preventing further harm through effective incident remediation. It goes beyond quick fixes, emphasising strategic and informed actions that safeguard company operations, financial health, and reputation.

Incident response plan overview

Purpose: An incident response plan outlines the procedures for detecting, responding to, and mitigating cyber security incidents or operational disruptions promptly so damage is limited, and services are quickly restored.

Goal: Focus on handling incidents such as cyber security breaches, data breaches or system failures as they occur.

Objective: Typically includes steps like incident identification, containment, eradication, recovery, and lessons learned.

Is your organisation well enough prepared to deal with an incident?

An increasing number of organisations have taken steps to try and improve their ability to deal with a cyber security incident however, many organisations have not properly evaluated the effectiveness of their capabilities.

Conducting tests ensures that the designated roles and responsibilities of your response team are appropriate and well-defined, plus team members can better understand and internalise the necessary actions they need to take during a security breach. Additionally, testing provides the team with real-world experience on how to effectively manage triage and escalation processes.

Furthermore, practice and testing help build the confidence of staff members, enabling them to handle high-pressure situations more competently when they arise.

Kaon Security offers a practical solution in the form of a tabletop exercise. This exercise brings together all key players, presents various breach scenarios, and encourages everyone to discuss their roles as outlined in the response plan. The value of this approach lies in swiftly identifying gaps in the plan's execution, raising pertinent questions that need addressing, and establishing an action items list for improvement.

The Incident Response Optimisation service provided by Kaon Security consists of two key phases.

Assessment Phase:

  • Evaluate your current incident response readiness level.
  • Review your existing incident response information, plan, templates, and guidelines.
  • Identify any gaps and areas of concern.
  • Review and optimise current roles and responsibilities.

Prepare and Deliver Phase:

  • Conduct a walkthrough of an incident response scenario using a sample playbook.
  • Assist in formalising appropriate roles and responsibilities for incident handling.
  • Present and discuss relevant supporting incident response documentation.
  • Create a comprehensive library of bespoke playbooks for common incident response scenarios, customised to match your organisational structure.
  • Develop reporting templates, branded, and customised to your organisation.
  • Draft an incident response plan aligned with playbooks and reporting templates, ready for internal approval and dissemination.

By having a comprehensive incident response plan, complete with bespoke playbooks, your team will be better equipped to respond swiftly and effectively to real-life incidents.
Kaon Security's team of experts can assist your organisation in developing a new IR plan or updating existing components to enhance preparedness.

Policy Management as a Service – Version 24 released

In late September we release version 24 (V24) of Policy Management as a Service (PMaaS). V24 provides new content (opt-in) covering the use of Artificial Intelligence and new mapping content for the ASD Essential Eight guidance. Click below for more details.

Version 24 Release

Meet the team in November

Members of the Kaon Security team will be at the following Loval Government events in November:

  • 12th - Local Government IT Summit VIC – Melbourne
  • 19th - ALGIM – NZ local government conference – Wellington
  • 29th - NSW LGIT - Local Government Information Technology Conference – Coffs Harbour

Feel free to say hi to the Kaon Security team at our booth if you are attending any of these events.



Policy Management as a Service Version 24 Release >

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