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Vulnerability Management Governance Review

Govern Your Vulnerabilities, Protect Your Assets

Vulnerability management focuses on the process by which organisations identify, analyse, and manage vulnerabilities in their operating environment.

The continuous vulnerability management process consists of four phases: 1. strategy definition, 2. plan development, 3. plan implementation and finally, 4. capability assessment and improvement.  

Vulnerability management governance involves establishing a framework to identify, assess, prioritise, and remediate security vulnerabilities within an organisation. It includes defining roles and responsibilities, ensuring accountability, and integrating vulnerability management into the overall risk management strategy. Through fostering a proactive culture and implementing structured processes, organisations can reduce their attack surface, improve their cybersecurity posture, and mitigate potential risks associated with unaddressed vulnerabilities.

Kaon Security will review the vulnerability management governance your organisation currently has in place, highlight gaps and recommend areas for improvement.

The following activities form the basis of the review:

  • Analyse your existing vulnerability management governance
  • Create a draft vulnerability management plan
  • Create a draft vulnerability management process
  • Outline steps for phase 3 - implementation and phase 4 - continuous improvement
  • Provide a report highlighting gaps and recommendations for improvement

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