
The globe with icons on IT Security, the cloud, email security, and personnel The globe with icons on IT Security, the cloud, email security, and personnel

DX Accelerating - as is Data Security Complexity

21 May 2020

At the end of April, Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella was quoted in the media saying his company had seen two years’ worth of digital transformation (DX) in two months, with massive demand for remote teamwork and learning, sales and customer service, and critical cloud infrastructure and security. This major change was one of the reasons why Microsoft’…

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Testing times for video conferencing applications

09 April 2020

With the sudden uptake of “Work from Home” arrangements many organisations have quickly moved to deploy video conferencing applications to enable their staff to stay in contact with the business and customers. In the last 2 weeks there has been widespread media coverage regarding the security of some of these applications, and whether they are fit…

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PC on an office desk in a living room home environment for remote working PC on an office desk in a living room home environment for remote working

Remote work becomes the norm

24 March 2020

The spread of coronavirus is driving an immediate change in working habits for many organisations. With a significant increase in the adoption of remote work or telecommuting, as a means to ensure the safety of employees and to contain the spread of the virus.

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A clock with years instead of minutes on the dial, with the hour hand highlighting the year 2020 A clock with years instead of minutes on the dial, with the hour hand highlighting the year 2020

2020 Gets Underway

14 February 2020

In our first Newsflash for 2020, we welcome two new additions to the Team. We also asked one of our consultants to outline some of the more common findings from his work in providing a Security Configuration Audit Service to Microsoft 365 customers.

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