
IT consultant going over IT Professional Services with a team of people sitting around a board room table IT consultant going over IT Professional Services with a team of people sitting around a board room table

For starters - incidents, audits, policy and awareness

27 February 2018

2018 is off to a busy start. We are very pleased to have launched our new website in the last few weeks. One of the objectives at Kaon Security this year is to build better awareness of the range of professional services we have on offer designed to help organisations of programmatically improve their security posture.

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Phishing identified as most concerning security threat in two local reports

11 January 2018

Two recently released reports have highlighted that Phishing attacks continue to be a major threat and problem for organisations in Australia and New Zealand. A report coming out of Australia commissioned by PhishMe found nearly half of the IT professionals surveyed feel unprepared to respond to such threats. Meanwhile in New Zealand the latest NCS…

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Business man touching a device alerting there has been a breach and IT incident response plan needs to be put into action Business man touching a device alerting there has been a breach and IT incident response plan needs to be put into action

Give your incident response planning some attention

11 January 2018

What do Maersk Shipping, TNT, Reckitt Benckiser and Merck all have in common? - They all recently announced they had incurred significant costs as a result of being impacted by the Wannacry and NotPetya ransomware outbreaks. The reported losses associated with these outbreaks would have seen these organisations undoubtedly move quickly to review th…

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Business people reviewing IT Policies on a computer Business people reviewing IT Policies on a computer

Recognising the value of IT policies - part 2

10 January 2018

In this article we address 3 questions - Why are IT Policies important? - Who should be involved in the development of IT Policies? - and - How do organisations manage their policies typically today?

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