
Black Box penetration testing – why you should get it done!

24 August 2023

Black box penetration testing provides a holistic view of how secure your organisation is from a bad actor’s point of view, i.e. knowing little about your organisation. The technical part of a black box penetration test looks to find vulnerabilities in your systems, networks and applications that attackers might exploit.

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A hacker attempting to gain access to an organisation systems and data using phishing and the exploitation of vulnerabilities A hacker attempting to gain access to an organisation systems and data using phishing and the exploitation of vulnerabilities

The old tactics work just fine

24 July 2023

The 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report released recently by Verizon makes for some interesting reading. The 89 page report uses data derived from the analysis of 16,312 security incidents, of which 5,199 were confirmed data breaches.

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A woman with a laptop looking at her phone with a holographic of an artificial Intelligence brain A woman with a laptop looking at her phone with a holographic of an artificial Intelligence brain

AI - It's a hot topic!

15 June 2023

People are increasingly going to be using generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems at work and home with a view to increasing productivity, being more creative and make better data driven decisions. However, managing the risks of using generative AI is a hot topic and should be front of mind for organisations. Some steps worth taking to mana…

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An IT Manager relaxing in a chair knowing that the organisations Microsoft 365 environment is configured securely An IT Manager relaxing in a chair knowing that the organisations Microsoft 365 environment is configured securely

Breathe Easy

27 April 2023

How do you validate that your Microsoft 365 environment is configured securely? – staying across this dynamic environment is challenging. Our initial 150 point deep dive Microsoft 365 Security Review, sees our experts gathering relevant information to verify whether your Microsoft 365 is secured properly and key settings are enabled correctly.

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